I see there are diversionary tactics being pushed using isolated screenshots of a few weirdos and painting it as the norm and the reason there is more hate.

The reality is however simple. I already wrote a detailed thread on this before which you can read right here:

Somalis have a significant part of their population as rude, arrogant, racist and entitled individuals, this will rub many people the wrong way and especially creates a further divide as they are also a minority Muslim group. Not all are like this maybe not even most but definitely more than most other groups.

Some guy on twitter called Gaitho started posting about Somali 'oligarchy' and state capture. I wouldn't call it either but there are truths that cannot be ignored, the illegal movement of goods through Kismayu into Kenya has been ongoing since KDF captured the port town.

There's a report by Reuters that shows the relationship of a few Kenyan Somalis, Jubaland administration and KDF and it basically said they were working in cahoots to move illegal charcoal and sugar into the region, a good amount of which entered into Kenya and disrupted the Sugar industry that is yet to recover, then we later had the mercury sugar scandal but that's a topic for another day.

Kenya has always hand in Somalia since operation Linda nchi which was agreed to when Yusuf Haji father of now NIS DG Noordin Haji, was the minister of defense. Clan politics play a big role and they basically put in one of their own named Ahmed Madobe, who has been in charge since though there are some issues now (also recently When the president of Somalia had a problem with Madobe because of issues on how to conduct voting, guess who he approached Ruto and Noordin in Nairobi to convince him, very strange don't you think)

The KDF then took control of Kismayu port and worked with some Somali Kenyans for movement of goods illegaly into and out of the country. They also got involved in Alshabaab operations. Last Year the USA sanctioned some Somali Kenyans and a few Somali owned companies like crown bus in Kenya for laundering money for Alshabaab all of them are still operational and crown bus is still up, one of them was part of the Kenya Forex and Remittance Association (KFRA) board regulated by the CBK up until recently

Is all this not genuinely suspicious and not just xenophobia?