Moral compass

One thing that confuses me is how almost no one involved in this case has a moral compass. I get lawyers and talent agencies have strongly urged to not say anything but its like no one cares about right and wrong. Even the people involved who spoke in favor of Blake have deleted or unpinned posts. If I knew Blake had been mistreated, I would stick up for her and same with Justin. Its so sad to me that no one has stuck up for justice and cares more about their careers.

Side note: When this first came out most people (cast, ect) stood behind Blake (i did too). Once I saw Justins receipts, i realized Blake was being dishonest about a lot of things. I wondered how all the cast was supporting her. I then realized if someone came to me and told me they were sexually harassed, I would believe them. They probably did the same thing but the way they have all sidestepped this thing is so morally wrong to me.