Is India is about to become the next bangladesh or pakistan?

With the recent remarks of nikhil kamath that there are only 1 to 2 cr people who are the major drivers for the stock market volumes in india ,i would take a very optimistic number of about only 5 cr indians are paying the bill in taxes for the rest of indians.

This top 3-4%indians are not having kids i see many upper middle class or rich people either not getting married or only having 1 kids and talking to these people a vast majority of these people want to send there kids abroad.

Plus i personally don't feel safe when people mention eat the rich mindset i am pretty sure people who have money they would not either.i would not get into details about infra,quality of air etc etc

I feel like in the next 15 to 20 years when these kids grow up we might huge migration of the rich and it could be fueled more if the tax burdens on these 3to4% keeps rising as the the numbers of them keep falling.