Doesn't care for family/Doesn't see the point in maintaining relationships
INTP here... I was wondering recently, and I've sorta noticed something that's been happening for the past like 6 years of my life is that I literally have no connection to my family whatsoever and do not talk to them at all. Whenever they come over in the living room I rush straight to my room and lock the door, usually camping in there until they leave. Now mind you, my family aren't bad people or anything, they're relatively normal, but the reason I mainly do this is because I believe it has to do with emotional abuse I got from my sibling when i was around 8 - 14 which sort of changed me in general and made me afraid to ever hang out with friends or do anything normal for people my age and just stay in my room all day. Like I have a huge fear of my friends meeting my family because I hide my true personality from my family and I would kind of have to balance my fake personality and real personality if my friends were to come over. Usually I am very unexpressive and emotionless, especially around family, they even tried diagnosing me with schizoaffective but I call serious bluff on it, since I know myself better than anyone else.
The reason this whole thing even struck me was because I realize how good of a bond my friends have with their family, like they always do things for their family, and I just sort of wonder what's really the point in supporting your family? Like I get some may care for me but at the same time like what's really the point in caring for someone who you never interact with or don't have a bond with? I never attach to them because I don't see a point at all, especially since if one of them were to die for example, I would be distraught and in grief if I knew them, but since I don't I wouldn't have to worry about having to grief as sort of morbid as it sounds, and that just sounds so much easier to deal with. Also my family can be very judgemental sometimes too, and well my privacy is always invaded by them too, so I genuinely just don't want to start a bond with them even if they are potentially nice people
It also makes you wonder what's so special about tradition and the whole blood is thicker than water. Like... just because we're related doesn't mean I know you, if anything I prefer friends since you can actually chose them. In general I don't really like tradition as it seems very unecesary, especially in my case where I don't interact with my family, I am just very anti-traditional.
In general, maybe it has to do with me wanting true freedom and independence, as in, not have to worry about anyone (besides my cats). In general, sometimes I always just want to go for the whole "cabin in the woods" mindset and never worry about anyone again, maybe not that healthy but eh.