What if there was an Assyrian Militant Group in the Middle East who aimed to restore the Neo-Assyrian Empire?
I know that this sounds very random and trollish, but I really did see an Assyrian Nationalist say this on Quora. Basically, he said that he wanted to form a Group called the Assyrian National Front with the intention of restoring the Neo-Assyrian Empire with him being the King, since he claimed that he was related to Assurbanipal. He also mentioned that he would restore Assyrian Polytheism and destroy Christianity because, in his words, "it was something that the Jews enforced on Assyrians". I'm 99.9% sure that he's just being a keyboard warrior and won't do anything, but what if he did? Let's say that he formed the Assyrian National Front and tried to restore the Neo-Assyrian Empire. What would happen?