distracting, space-taking UI in goodnotes
I love goodnotes but I find myself encountering lots of eye strain and wishing the bar at the top took up less space.
Problems and potential solutions below:
1: The UI is too harsh/distracting on the eyes. The cartoony look is fine but paired with the bright blue it causes a lot of contrast and eye strain. - A few customisable colour sets/“themes” (eg. a desaturated blue or even grey, rather than the harsh distracting blue) for different users and their individual needs/preferences.
2: The tabs and toolbar take up a lot of space on the page. - The option for a floating toolbar, similar to what notability has. - The option to collapse the entire blue section with tabs and the switching between writing, typing and mic we see now when working on a document. It takes up a lot of space and we barely touch it. Maybe collapse and a tiny status bubble in the corner could show if eg audio is being recorded. - When making the toolbar smaller to facilitate the option to use a floating toolbar, a scroll option could be added and furthermore the colours and size changing options could come up in a little bubble next to whichever tool is being used.
3: This is just a tiny pet peeve but I wish the folder colours weren’t so dull. It kind of discourages me from using them. - Maybe a colour wheel or something to that effect would be cute?
Once again these would all be optional so as not to detriment the experience for users who are already happy as is.
(Edits: formatting issues)