Does GameStop really send email notifications about local preorders opening up?
I was told by two different employees at my local GS that the preorder for Blooming Waters would most likely open up when Prismatic Shards is released. I went today to ask about it and the employee said preorders for Blooming Waters had not opened up yet, but "if I had a GS account, to keep an eye out for the email."
I'm new to the whole preorder thing, but is it even possible that a local GS would be able to email me about their preorder times? I listed my local GS as my preferred store on my account, but I don't know if that makes any difference. Just wondering if I should just continue to check in in person or indeed wait for an email... Anyone have any experience with this?
I know every GS has their own policy for preorders so I'm not sure waiting makes sense. Also, with Blooming Waters being released early elsewhere, I'm starting to get nervous I've been patiently waiting for the preorder to open up, only to miss it.
UPDATE: For anyone looking at this in the future, the GS employees admitted they were wrong and my ass has to wake up early and fight like a savage on Feb. 7th. Wish me luck :(