Impact of pedestrian-friendly curbs on North-South traffic on Fremont Blvd

Please ELI5 why the traffic lights don’t seem dynamic and responsive to traffic flows at crucial periods of the day. Multiple schools, non-resident commuters, and local residential traffic combined with these new curbs tremendously impact traffic flow and negatively contribute to local smog and residential frustration. Understandably, Goodwill has now installed gates to prevent drivers from passing through its parking lot due to egregious waits at this corner.

Please ELI5 why the traffic lights don’t seem dynamic and responsive to traffic flows at crucial periods of the day. Multiple schools, non-resident commuters, and local residential traffic combined with these new curbs tremendously impact traffic flow and negatively contribute to local smog and residential frustration. Understandably, Goodwill has now installed gates to prevent drivers from passing through its parking lot due to egregious waits at this corner.