Expectations of a buyer’s agent

How was your agent? How was your lender? Did your agent sit down with you to discuss your needs and wants? Did he or she negotiate for you as much as possible or give recommendations? What is the buyers agent job?

I’m asking all of this because I feel torn about finding another agent. I don’t like to bother people unless I absolutely have to. Throughout this time of looking for a home and asking questions, a lot of time it’s been answers like, the lender will have that information or if I ask for recommendations on a set price. The agent doesn’t say much. I don’t know if the agent is too relax, too many clients or just don’t care either way.

I missed out on a home because I tried to play the waiting game but if the agent would’ve said hey it’s best to move or it might be gone, I may have just went ahead and purchased.

Or maybe my expectations are set too high. I feel like I’ve been doing a lot of research on the ins and out of buying a home.