The reason we love MUSCLE 💪🏻

So I know that CYL will be announced in several hours from the Feh channel but I want to explain my reasoning as to why I want Eikþyrnir to win so badly and why me and many other Eikþyrnir enjoys love him so much

I have seen several comments throughout Twitter and Reddit calling Eikþyrnir Boring Oc and people question why we love him so much or insult us by calling us “Gooners” or overall just talk SHIT and be overall hypercritical, rude and judgmental toward our big dear Daddy and us (his fans)

If you don’t like a character, that is perfectly fine not everyone is a cup of tea for everyone but the fact that people Be so DISRESPECTFUL to his fans who genuinely have been nothing but the warmest nicest people ever is just UNACCEPTABLE!!!!

Now to the important part WHY we love him

We love him because he is a big buff deeply profound character who loves his family and struggles with his own identity

We love him because he breaks the norm by being a MUSCLE BOUND HUNK! And yet despite that like Ike AND WE ALL LIKE IKE RIGHT! Has a heart of gold!! Ike Askr and Eikþyrnir and Formortiis (being the baddie of the group) All fit the BIG and we forever love them for it

Anyone who likes big buff meaty characters is welcome to talk about it tell your stories on why you like any of the characters listed above

And remembered DO THE ASKR, MUSCLE IS POWER! GREAT ATHER and Lament your Fates

Cause we want more muscle and WE WANT IT NOW OKKKR