NY Young Republican Club Quality

I want to buy my first ERD piece and I have a dilemma between piece stated in title and some leather piece. I know leather quality is amazing, but I’m in love with NYYRC crewneck fit and color. Is this piece worth 3k$ in case of quality? How’s cotton and weight. I’ve read here that crewnecks, hoodies are bad quality for the price, but I’d like to hear your opinion.

I want to buy my first ERD piece and I have a dilemma between piece stated in title and some leather piece. I know leather quality is amazing, but I’m in love with NYYRC crewneck fit and color. Is this piece worth 3k$ in case of quality? How’s cotton and weight. I’ve read here that crewnecks, hoodies are bad quality for the price, but I’d like to hear your opinion.