Any thoughts on this lore bard build?
IMPORTANT NOTE: if you guys think the build looks good, please let me know that you think that in the comments. I keep posting this to get no replies and I'm not sure if its because no one has any suggestions or something else.
Starting at level 5 Race: variant human (+1 Charisma, +1 Dexterity) Lvl 1 feat: Resilient (Con) Lvl 4 feat: Lucky
Spells: Known: 3 cantrips 6 1-2 lvl, 2 3 lvl Slots: 4 1st lvl 3 2nd lvl 2 2nd lvl
Lore bard Expertise: Deception Persuasion
Spells: Cantrips: Vicious Mockery Minor illusion Prestidigitation
1st level: Dissonant whispers Silvery barbs Command Healing word
2nd level: Suggestion Mirror image
3rd level: Dispel magic Hypnotic pattern