The 2082 Volantis Tower
As I was reading through the Clovis Bray Journal from my BL Collector's Edition, I noticed an odd passage that immediately made me think of some old Destiny 1 lore.
On page 35 of the journal, in Entry 7, Clovis Bray is talking about his first journey through the Vex portal to the Star Forge on the other side. As he is surveying the area, he notes the following:
"We ventured out of the ruins, onto an island of living glass, broken by fissures of deep green light and reservoirs of white fluid. Around the glass, a shallow sea trembled with tiny, intersecting waves. In one direction, a cloud of mist obscured a shattered tower, its form uncannily different from the surrounding architecture."
I was immediately struck by the reference of the tower.
On the same page, Bray notes that:
"There was no trace of Clarity's influence here at all. Except perhaps in that mysterious tower...?"
After reading all of this, I immediately thought of the old Destiny Grimoire card Ghost Fragment: Legends - Deep Stone Crypt. Here's an except from the beginning of the card:
"This is the tower where we were born. Not the Tower. Just a tower in a dream.
The tower stands on a black plain. Behind the tower is a notch in the mountains where the sun sets. The teeth of the mountain cut the sun into fractal shapes and the light that comes down at evening paints synapse shapes on the ground. Usually it's evening when we come."
With an obvious grain of salt, I believe that this tower found through the 2082 Volantis gate could be the actual tower that's seen by Exos and not the Deep Stone Crypt itself.
Given the fact that Exo minds are a product of Vex Radiolaria from the 2082 Volantis portal being exposed to Clarity, it would follow that the Radiolaria may retain some impression of the place that it originated from. And the Clarity element may even point to the Exos being drawn toward a place the Darkness controls in the form of the "Long Slow Whisper" that Cayde mentioned.
I've searched other posts and haven't found any mention of this elsewhere. I think this could potentially be a big lore connection and could even point toward something related to the Deep Stone Crypt raid.