I’m drowning in credit card debt and loans
I’ve got myself in quite a pickle here. Without giving too much detail, I now have $25,000 in credit card debt across 5 cards, two of which are maxed out, almost 3. I co-signed a personal loan for someone who may not be able to afford to pay it anymore, still owes about $14,000 on that. I have a car loan I still owe about $16,000 on. I owe money to my orthodontist for my braces I’m still in, about $4,300. And I fully regret deciding to purchase a timeshare last year, for which I still owe an unknown amount probably around $12,000.
I’m absolutely drowning. I can make all my payments successfully and have never missed or been late on any payment ever. But I’m not gaining any traction. I’m not making a dent into what I owe, the interest rates are incredible and I’m living paycheck to paycheck barely being able to afford groceries.
I’ve already kicked myself enough and I’ll be selling a lot of my belongings in the coming weeks. Also looking at uber/lyft but then I have to get insurance added for that and I’m not sure it’ll be worth it. A couple hundred bucks a month doesn’t seem like it’ll be worth it, I need thousands of dollars like yesterday.
The timeshare is charged to a credit card every month, and the card is maxed out after this next payment. The second card that’s maxed out is how my braces are getting paid for (care credit). Braces payment is about $460 a month… they charge me about $1400 every 3 months. Debt consolidation loans would be helpful if I didn’t still have to use those cards.
I’m just rambling at this point, I’m at a loss. Where do I go from here? I’m tired of buying things I NEED by credit card. I need a way out, I’m drowning in this hole I’ve dug for myself. What can I do to make some extra money.
EDIT TO ADD: I have a full time job, work at least 40 hours a week and bring home about $640 a week after deductions. I just got a raise about 2 months ago after I passed a state exam for my job but I’m not seeing the difference in practice yet. My minimum payments also increased that month. I rent an apartment with my cat, the rent is stupid cheap, $600 a month. I know the timeshare was an awful idea and I’ve looked into getting rid of it but I don’t have thousands of dollars to spare to hire someone to make it go away. I have about $110 in savings. I have some stocks I don’t really want to touch that are worth about $3,000. I can make the spreadsheet tonight. However tonight priority is listing my belongings for sale. I have 2 pieces of art I want to get rid of, one is worth about $800 and the other about $550. I spent 15 months taking full financial responsibility for someone else, not 100% by choice but that’s what you do when you think you’re in love. That’s why my debt is so high. He went to prison and I’m left here in the dark bottomless pit of debt.