I'm F24 I'm tired of dating it suck. I went on a date M24 we met at the gym. We went on a little cute date he got me flowers wasn't expecting it! Saw him at the gym later that night and the first thing he said to me was "I had a great date how are your finances and what kind of house would you want". LIKE WHOA IT WAS ONLY OUR FIRST DATE!! I did cancel my membership at the gym but who ask that!! In their right mind please!!! I had another guy M26 that would begged me to buy things for him???? Like no I'm not buying anything for you!! Like what!! What is wrong with you! I had another guy M26 that was like I'm into brown girls I can't wait to have a mix Indian babies like hold on HUGE RED FLAG and he kept telling me how much he loves Indian food and how he really wants an Indian wedding and he even told me on the first date how many Indian girls he dated. I'm not even on dating apps or social media (expect tiktok) but I'm just as done.