AE/CSM relationship. How do you navigate customer outreach and care calls?

For my role I am tasked with making x amount of care calls to a laundry list of accounts. One AE in particular is very protective of their accounts and only wants me reaching out if there is a clear new sales opportunity. They have a fear I am going to agitate old support issues or waste time with activity that doesn’t generate a sale.

This morning I was chewed out by the AE for setting up a meeting with a customer who is renewing in the next month. “What are we going to talk about? They have to renew”

Is the AE right? Should I really only contact a customer if there is value to be gained or offered? In my mind there is value to check in with a customer on how their business is going even if I have nothing new to offer right now.

Also how do share ownership of an account with the AE?