Midas not appearing in playthrough (Bug)
I recently got the game on Steam and have been working on completing the game, but I am unable to find Midas again after the first encounter in Darkwood. I have gone through Anchordeep about a dozen times, aiming for inverted cross rooms as I've heard that's the best way to find him, and I also returned to Darkwood and did crusades in Silk Cradle a few times. I'm wondering if my game has encountered some sort of bug that's keeping him from appearing again. I am 100% certain I have not encountered him during crusades more than the single time I've seen him in Darkwood. Since I've spent almost 50 hours on this playthrough, I would really dislike having to start a new save, so I'm throwing this post out there in hopes that someone might be able to offer some advice or some assistance so I can get my achievements on this save file. I appreciate any help I can get.