We should be able to check and remove the contents of seed silos

I have a very large farm that relies on farm signs to mass produce splendid vegetable dishes, I only grow pumpkins, cauliflower and beetroots in a specific ratio, meaning any other seeds are never planted. Today while I was playing my followers completely stopped farming and I couldn't figure out why, nothing seemed to fix it until I tried putting away the farm signs, when I did my followers immediately completely filled all my farm plots with grape seeds that had clogged up my seed silos. I had accidentally deposited all seeds into the storage a few times and forgot about it.

This is a problem for farming, since the only way to get rid of unwanted seeds that you didn't mean to deposit is to either have a junk farm where all the misc seeds get dumped, or you have to destroy all your seed silos and replace them, if we were able to open up the silos and delete seeds we don't want it would make big, complex farms easier to manage