Christian in distress here: my crush (M) keeps disrespecting God and providing reasoning, and I (F) can't seem to argue back? minor vent below:
I am a young Christian, and recently I fell in love with this boy, but he isn't Christian, and keeps debating with me about it, but he's being very disrespectful towards God (called God a b-tch who made several f-ck ups, like making tectonic plates able to make volcanoes and other stuff that kills innocent people, or how He failed to convince Adam and Eve not to eat the apple, and that's why they were tempted, or how since he knows everything, he makes people with the knowledge that lots of them will go to Hell) and I can't provide evidence as to why not because his arguements make logical sense, and I can't disprove them.
Normally if someone was this disrespectful towards God, I'd stop talking to them, as I'd find it offensive. But with him, I can't, because I love him.
Any advice? If not, prayers would be appreciated.