UPDATE: I failed at introducing my cats and now they’ve been living in different rooms of my apt. for 3 years
A month ago I came on here asking for advice with my 3 cats. Original post here: https://www.reddit.com/r/CatAdvice/s/PofciYKgOB
To summarize, I started with one cat and then adopted two strays, 1 of them bonded immediately with my first cat, but the other (Mama Cat) was defensive and in turn acted really aggressive around the other two, so I put her in my spare room. Life got crazy and at some point I got discouraged and burnt out so I stopped introduction attempts.
The update: I made that post 31 days ago, and since then I have been making almost daily progress towards an introduction.
I have been feeding treats at the door, and I took the advice about gradually cracking the door more and more for introductions, as opposed to using a screen door. I think you were right, the screen wasn’t registering as protective for the cats so when I would try to use it, they were basically face to face in their eyes and they’d freak out as if I had just thrown them into a room together.
Both the bonded pair and mama cat have shown way more interest in playing at the door, they’re almost begging to meet each other like they want me to open it!
I was feeding them today at the door like I normally do, door held open a few inches so they can see. They ate their treats about a foot apart, and then mama cat started to pull on the door with her paw to try to open it more. She wanted to come out!
So I let her, and she walked right out of the room. I held her in my lap because I wasn’t ready to handle a full introduction at that moment (didn’t want to have a cat fight on my hands).
She seemed WAY calmer than any other time I’ve tried to introduce. She only hissed once, and I honestly think it was directed at me for holding onto her lol. She wanted to sneak around, I could tell, she was walking in that sneaky way where she holds her body close to the ground and trying to get underneath the table.
She also normally does this fast paced sniffing/huffing thing when the cats are at the doorway, and then gets stressed, but she wasn’t doing it!
Lasted a few minutes but I put her away because I wanted to make sure I ended the interaction on a positive note, I feel so hopeful after this!!
I feel like I’m almost ready to let them meet face to face, but I don’t want to rush it and lose the progress I’ve made. However, if she is really eager to leave the room and meet them every time I do treats at the door, at what point should I just decide she’s ready and let it rip???
My goal is to have them introduced fully by June- my lease is up and paying for a 2 bedroom apt. all by myself just for Mama Cat to have a room is causing a huge financial strain on me. So when I move, she won’t have her own room anymore, and if I can’t introduce them before then, I am going to have to rehome her. But it looks like I will be able to pull this introduction off after all.
I feel so hopeful about this, thank you for all your advice, I have been really anxious about this for years and reading your advice gave me the confidence I needed to get serious about introducing them. And now they’re so close!!! They basically did meet today, it was just a very short introduction. This is like a dream all I want is for my kitties to all be happy together.
Just wanted to say thank you and that it’s going so well!!! Hopefully I will update in a few months to let you know that they’re all introduced :)