Cap iim experience 6th march

Cap iim experience (30 mins) 6th march Red fox hotel gurgao Profile- Bba llb(law background) Wat- should india host Olympics? 2 male panelists 1) What is your name 2) Where are you from 3) Tell me something that is not in your resume 4) What is ease of doing business 5)Subjects you studies in your UG 6)What is long and short run 7)What is marginal economics 8)Then watched outside the window and tell some long term effects of high rise buildings 9)if you want to change one city name and rename by your name which city it would be 10)Some questions about my hometown 11)Have you vistied iim website 12)Which iim do you prefer 13)What after mba

Now 2nd panelists took over 14)Sugarcane minister of up 15)Textile minister of up 16)health and family minister of up 17)finance minister of up 18)coperative minister of india 19)what is sustainability 20)How company apply sustainability 21)How you apply sustainability in day to day life 22)Some questions on management marketing 23)Some questions on environmental law 24)Some questions about about my startup

Overall they were grilling a lot and diving deep into answers