It's time to change jobs again - disappointed colleagues and impossible long term stuff have caught up with me.
Yup, we're moving again.
I've reached a point I have been many times before. Accumulated too many long term running things / projects that still need attention, but I'm completely blocking on them. Without attention, big fail. The others who are involved, understanding as they are, have lost patience. In addition to that, I've also made enough "avoidable" scheduling and communication mistakes over the past few years, involving my colleagues and our clients, so that my reputation and interaction with them have suffered.
It's time to move on to the next job where people don't know me yet, and I can stay for a few years more doing what I like. The grass is not greener at a new job, but the ground on which to build shaky ADHD houses is more solid still.
EDIT: I appreciate that y'all recognize this and I am happy I could show that some of you are not the only ones. I am convinced the right way forward is to direct my attention to solving the actual problem (more professional help, new meds, and so on), but part of my problem is directing my attention somewhere... Possibly a medium term solution could be to change where I'm moving. My career allows for pretty easy relocation, the line of work is pretty widely available. So that's worked until now. But I'm sure you recognize that it's very easy to have ideas and sound convincing, but actually implementing them is a mental clusterfuck. Thank you.